Virtual GPS: Online fieldwork using ArcGIS StoryMaps
Dr Louise Callard from Geography used ArcGIS StoryMaps to produce virtual fieldtrips: narrative, interactive map, photos (including 360o), videos, activities and questions.
Dr Louise Callard from Geography used ArcGIS StoryMaps to produce virtual fieldtrips: narrative, interactive map, photos (including 360o), videos, activities and questions.
A new approach to grammar teaching in SML replaced lectures with short explainer videos followed by exercises. Positive student feedback and high engagement with the model has resulted in the method continuing for academic year 21/22.
Dr Fred Wu developed Speech Cloud, a series a short video clips that allowed students to personalise their learning. He also made the most of Teams, Zoom and Canvas to successfully integrate learning materials.
This collaborative project supported instructor’s adoption of the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework to help structure and communicate their assessments.
Find out if Dr Rachelle Maddison and Dr Raghda Zahran could use Canvas New Analytics to check whether a small cohort of international students could access resources in their own countries.
A successful example of collaborative working, this design sprint approach resulted in some excellent ideas and inspired some new approaches to engaging students.
Dr David Grundy used Panopto (ReCap) Analytics to inform changes and alterations to teaching approaches and activities for Executive MBA students.
Dr Jessica Komes assessed students through a pre-recorded oral group presentation. As well as assessing the student’s ability to orally articulate the intended knowledge and skill outcomes, this approach helped students engage with each other and provided an opportunity for peer feedback.
Making data analytics more accessible for students of Newcastle Business School using a range of engagement methods and software.
One of the high points for our Stage 3 students is the annual poster competition normally held in a large venue with all students and supervisors simultaneously. This is something I could not do this year due to the pandemic restrictions. I used Miro to set up a poster exhibition for around 80 posters which is simply accessible via a URL.