Loiana Leal Pavlichenko

Supporting Language Teaching with H5P

Loiana Leal Pavlichenko – Lecturer in Portuguese School of Modern Languages  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? Loiana has been using H5P to create formative exercises for students studying Portuguese at a range of levels in the School of Modern Languages. Using H5P Loiana has authored resources to support reading, writing, grammar, listening and pronunciation. Loiana uses H5P to present new material and to give students short activities to self-evaluate, Read more about Supporting Language Teaching with H5P[…]

Screenshot of the Zoom meeting of the Sociology Teaching Online Group: Pauline McCormack, Mwenza Blell, Daniel Goodman, Janice McLaughlin

Online Collaborative Teaching Support During the Pandemic

Sociology, like all other teaching units at Newcastle during the pandemic, faced massive challenges adapting teaching practice and approaches to the rapid switch to online teaching. In the summer of 2020 a working group, which became the Teaching Online Group (TOG), was created to develop an approach to helping colleagues prepare for the new academic year. The group and its activities became a continued point of much needed collaborative advice and sharing across the year.

Laptop screen with the ARCCIS Storyboard page open
Dr Sandra Salin

Blending grammar delivery in the School of Modern Languages using short videos and online exercises

A new approach to grammar teaching in SML replaced lectures with short explainer videos followed by exercises. Positive student feedback and high engagement with the model has resulted in the method continuing for academic year 21/22.

Dr Fred Wu

Speech Cloud for independent learning of MA Translation and Interpreting students

Dr Fred Wu developed Speech Cloud, a series a short video clips that allowed students to personalise their learning. He also made the most of Teams, Zoom and Canvas to successfully integrate learning materials.