PeerWise: Creation of a programme wide student built database of practice exam questions for medical students

Dr Clare Guilding, Dean of Academic Affairs (Medicine) Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia  (Case Study from School of Medical Education, Newcastle Campus) Medical Sciences What did you do? Established courses the online quizzing platform PeerWise for medical students Who is involved? All stages of the MBBS (medicine) degree programme. How do you do it? Students always Read more about PeerWise: Creation of a programme wide student built database of practice exam questions for medical students[…]

Rethinking the lecture in order to engage students in active learning and discussion

Dr James Stach, Senior Lecturer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences Science, Agriculture and Engineering What did you do? The third-year/MSc module BIO3030/BIO8041 asks students to watch recorded online lectures and complete further reading – both so that they take responsibility for their own learning and so that they can make better use of timetabled Read more about Rethinking the lecture in order to engage students in active learning and discussion[…]

Picture of students at the event

Shared sense-making through practical application of filmic storytelling for non-film students in literature

Dr Tina Gharavi, Senior Lecturer School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? I am a filmmaker and Senior Lecturer who uses practice-based learning to teach students about theory and application of learning/skills Who is involved? Only myself and third year students How do you do it? I Read more about Shared sense-making through practical application of filmic storytelling for non-film students in literature[…]

Reflective blogging with the ePortfolio and enabling students to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’!

Fiona Thompson, Lecturer Newcastle University Business School Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? Use of the ePortfolio to underpin BUS1005 (Developing Academic and Employability Skills) to create reflective learning ‘blogging’ opportunities for first year students to make connections between their skills and skills required for current/future learning and employability. Who is involved? Fiona Read more about Reflective blogging with the ePortfolio and enabling students to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’![…]

Teaching anatomy to engineering students using state-of-the-art anatomical software

Professor Tom Joyce  School of Engineering Science, Agriculture and Engineering What did you do? Newcastle University’s School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering used a combination of Primal Pictures anatomical software, bespoke teaching materials and peer to peer learning within the Bioengineering module. This allowed Bioengineering students to quickly construct an understanding of anatomical principles which Read more about Teaching anatomy to engineering students using state-of-the-art anatomical software[…]

Practicing and critiquing the use of market methods in planning

Dr David Webb, Lecturer School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? Technical assessments of development viability and retail need are often lengthy and complicated in nature and frequently involve Excel spreadsheets with multiple sheets and inter-linking information and/ or reports totalling hundreds of pages. In this module, these Read more about Practicing and critiquing the use of market methods in planning[…]

Mock-viva video

Professor Anthony Zito, Professor of European Public Policy School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? Mock-Viva Video for Ph.D. students Who is involved? Professor Anthony Zito (Politics), Dr Kate Manzo (Geography), PG Students How do you do it? A PG student agreed to be filmed undertaking Read more about Mock-viva video[…]

Combining interactive voting technology and high-fidelity patient simulations in the lecture theatre

Dr Clare Guilding, Dean of Academic Affairs Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia Medical Sciences What did you do? We incorporated SimMan into pre-clinical pharmacology teaching, to build a deeper level of understanding of the subject and place the patient at the heart of the learning experience. SimMan is a high-fidelity patient simulator who can be programmed Read more about Combining interactive voting technology and high-fidelity patient simulations in the lecture theatre[…]